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Blog - Malaysia Hero

Hero Malaysia Saving Lives

Have you ever thought you can save lives daily?  Many of us may not have that opportunity or chance to save a life, maybe in our entire lifetime.  Would you like to save lives daily if ...

Supporting Live-Saving Efforts

Ambulance services play a crucial role in saving lives in emergency situations. They provide prompt medical care and transport to hospitals, which can greatly increase the chances of survival for indi...

Become a Hero : Donate to Ambulance Services

Becoming a donor for ambulance services is a way to support life-saving efforts and help ensure that ambulance services have the resources they need to respond effectively to emergencies. Here are som...

RM10 Can Make a Difference

Hunger is a critical issue affecting millions of people around the world, leading to malnutrition, poor health, and even death in severe cases. But for just RM10, you can make a real impact in the liv...

Be A Malaysia Hero

Do you want to save lives each day? For RM10 a month, you are a Malaysia Hero. Your participation will save many lives each day as our ambulances rush to save lives in emergency calls. Each day we rec...